Sunday, July 8, 2007

Grrrst the Dorslis

We finally arrived at the ship and the twelve members of Chang-Su’s crew were bustling about. Some were loading boxes onto the ship while others made repairs to various sections. Chang-Su led him over to two green creatures who were chatting in a language I had never heard before. “Grrst Ho-Lokrium Do Noo?” one said. Chang-Su gave a hearty, barking laughing and said, “Grrst, please. Our friend here doesn’t speak Dorslis.” The creature nodded and said, “Greetings Oo-man. I am Grrrst.” I couldn’t believe my ears. I’d heard talk of making language translating programs that could work within a simutronics unit, but had never actually heard it. “That’s amazing. Where do I download a language patch? Can you learn other languages that way?” I asked. Grrrst’s eyes narrowed and he huffily replied, “No, you cannot. I took the time to learn the entire Dorslis language, something a newbie really shouldn’t even try.” I hastily apologized and they said it was typical for a new player. They seemed forgiving enough and we soon moved on to the other members of the crew. A girl with two guns strapped to her waist was complaining about the hour she’d spent trying to rewire the hyperspace motivator. Chang-Su took me close and we examined the components as she pointed. They were actually programmed into the system. It was actually a working, mechanical, electronic, simulation of a space drive. And this girl had been fixing it for an hour.

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